The baropodometric platform - Foot measurement - Choice of shoe
For choosing the right shoe, the most important tool we use in BF Mountain SHOP is the SIDAS baropodometric platform.
- Baropodometric platform
- Foot Measurement
- Advice on the most suitable footwear for the activity to be carried out
In this way we could determine the most suitable shoe for your need.
Furthermore , the size of the feet is an aspect that we do not underestimate when choosing the shoe to take into consideration.
Not all feet are created equal and everyone has different needs or personal histories of foot or joint injuries.
The shoe to choose, for walking or running or Nordic Walking , is the fundamental piece to be able to do the activities we love to the fullest.
Our main specialization is to provide you with the most suitable shoe for your foot for your activity. More important than the brands or the model is comfort, stability and the right size. And to determine it we make use of the best technological tools on the market and our long experience of years in this sector!
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Here is a demonstration video by Gabriele to help you understand how we work: